
The genesis of San Pedro College of Business Administration cannot be told without adverting to the life of a man – Mr. Cheng Eng Teng. His was a story of adventures and guts, of patience and perseverance, of hard and rugged existence as a fisherman in the stormy seas of Mercedes near Daet, Camarines Norte of the Bicol Province. For years he plodded on, eking out a living without ever enjoying the benefit of a formal education. Mr. Cheng often recalls vividly this hard life which was a continuation of the various jobs he held like being an a vendor and errand boy in Manila, Quezon, and other places in Luzon.
Ever watchful of better opportunities, Mr. Cheng’s venturesome spirit finally lured him away from Bicol and led him to San Pedro, then a sleepy agricultural town of the Laguna Province. In the time-honored Chinese tradition of heaping the fruits of honesty and hard work, the man carried on and managed to inch his way up economically through sheer austere living and hard-earned savings.
Gradually, his roots took hold in San Pedro. He witnessed the government build a resettlement site for indigent families at Barrio San Jose, Carmona, Cavite, the Western border of San Pedro, and watched with excitement and expectation, the construction of a railroad spur line at the site.
Soon, commuter trains began to service the locality and along with this increased accessibility, industries and commerce of every description begin moving into the area The once rustic setting of San Pedro then underwent the inevitable holistic evolution -- increase in population resulted into a broader and more extensive socio-economic base leading the way to the expansion of infrastructures and more housing for more people.
With grateful heart, Mr. Cheng was an able, willing, and dynamic participant in the social change that took hold of this town. As time passed, his roots dug deeper and grew stronger along with the steeliness of his tenacity and determination. Consequently, his prosperity through the years was a natural reward for this indomitable spirit and strength of character, imbued with hard work and honest living, and catalyzing efforts in harmonizing, since 1967, the politico-economic miracle that is San Pedro.
Today, from his civic and social involvement runs the gamut of various philanthropical activities. But his dedication towards the development and progress of the community did not stop there. His one consuming interest was the establishment of a business school -- a modern, effective, and competent institution of higher learning that promises to transform even further the very fiber and core of San Pedro’s agri-based society. In this task, Mr. Cheng was no longer alone: his five children stood united with him in this grand and noble endeavor. The burning fire that propelled the founding in September 1986 of San Pedro College of Business Administration (SPCBA) was actually the lack of formal education with which and despite which, Cheng Eng Teng met the challenges of his early life in Bicol. This cannot be overemphasized as Mr. Cheng looks back to a friend and compadre, Mr. Antonio Ty, who provided the inspiration and motivation towards the realization of this dream.
SPCBA has now been a fitting tribute to of Mr. Cheng ’s twenty grateful and rewarding years in San Pedro, a legacy that he has happily and proudly bequeathed to the people and place that rewarded his struggles and toils within the paradigm of honesty, determination, and industry.
The College formally operated in June of 1988 with thirteen faculty members and meager three hundred eighty students. It had its first commencement exercises in March of 1990 for its associate courses, and later in 1992, produced its first batch of Bachelor Degree holders. On the same year, three pioneer students out of thirty-seven, made it as CPA Board Passers. SPCBA has consequently and succeedingly, produced more CPA Board Passers, and with the integration of Education courses, has also produced consistently, passers of the Licensure Exams for Teachers (LET).
At present, SPCBA also offers Business Administration, HRM and Tourism Courses, Computer and Informational Degrees, Liberal Arts studies, Psychology, and Engineering Courses. The College has also pioneered the Graduate Courses of Masters in Business Administration and Masters in Government Management.
From here, SPCBA continuous to grow and sustain the distinction of being the Premier Business School of the South committed to produce graduates with the potential of being Leaders of Distinction for Business, Industry, and Society.