Frequently Asked Questions
SPCBA Senior High School
What is Senior High School?
Senior high school is the additional two-year program for the high school that is offered beginning in 2016. The aim of the senior high school program is to align our curricula and skills with the rest of the world and to prepare us for the ASEAN integration that began in 2015, and for the graduates of this high school program to eventually join the industries as competent and skilled part of the work force. Alternatively, the graduates of senior high school are also prepared to pursue collegiate education.
Is the Senior High School Program a collegiate degree?
No, it is a high school degree. After this program, the graduate may choose to find employment in the different industries or to go to college for specialized degrees.
Do I need to go to college after senior high school?
It will be your choice: you can choose to work as you are already equipped with the necessary skills after your senior high school, or you can pursue college education to become professionals.
Do I only have one graduation from high school?
You will have two: first, from junior high school (where you are now) and then from senior high school.
Do I have to take my senior high school in my current high school?
No, you are not required to take your senior high school in your current (junior) high school. You may choose another school that offers senior high school. SPCBA is offering senior high school only. We do not have junior high school.
Why do schools which did not have high school before now offer senior high school?
This is in response to the anticipated shortage in resources in public and private high schools once the senior high school is on. Just imagine the number of students that will stay in school for two more years, which will all strain the physical and manpower resources as well as the facilities of the existing high schools. There are also a lot of existing high schools that the DepEd has not approved to offer the senior high school program due to inadequacy or lack of facilities, laboratories, faculty and even classrooms.
SPCBA comes into this picture. We are happy to announce that ALL our hundreds of slots for senior high school for 2016 have been fully enrolled way before our enrolment period ended. We invite you therefore to join us this school year.